星期日, 9月 30, 2007

It's all about ME


我聽過一種說法,「恰北北都是比較疼另一半的,尤其當她是個悍妞,或是具有純正MIHMade In Her-dong a.k.a河東出品)血統」。我常常在想一個畫面,有一天爸爸和孩子說,妳娘當年吃我娘,也就是吃你/妳奶奶的醋超深的啦!她都說我愛你/妳奶奶比她多很多。這種問式真的是非常之玄妙,因為根本無從回答起,它是一個感覺問題,不是邏輯問題,你只能說前述說法確有某種程度上的道理。



所以,我覺得It's no fun

星期六, 9月 29, 2007





三,《越獄》第三季開演了,又把麥可‧屎溝非爾得丟去另一座監獄。我說,這真的是種把梗弄臭的好方法,你能想像為了拍《刺激1995》第二集把Tim Robbins又弄回一個類似Shawshank監獄的地方嗎?如果說,《越獄》一路長紅想連演六、七年,他可能得坐遍全世界的監牢,還被外星人抓走最後從火星逃回來。那麼,他過境港台實行「服刑外交」的時候,就有機會和阿正(周潤發)與陳松勇一起唱《今宵多珍重》。《越獄》要是越成一種《真情》或是《親戚不計較》等落落長的莒光日教學,這的確別有一番意味。



星期三, 9月 26, 2007


一, 德希達真的好威啊!就算給他一本電話簿,我想他也要一層層刨出詞彙和詞源之間的關聯。他的手法好庖丁,讀的人看來卻好黯然。這種精細的腦袋,可是幾百年才泡得出來。我們若想這樣子搞,得先把那些斷掉的、不要的統統接起來,花個百來年再看看吧!

二, 尼采幹的事是把上帝抓下來,揍一頓!德希達在文本裡追「雪泥鴻爪」,上帝的蹤跡。

三, 《色戒》上映,張愛玲永不孤寂!李安說「張愛玲的生活缺乏愛,沒有愛情也沒有親情」,龍應台說她「心裡深藏著一個人性X光照相機」。我說,華文世界只要識字、想寫,總有一段時間你會想寫得和她一樣好,但你不是多一點就是少一點,所以張愛玲還是張愛玲,你仍是你。絕情人寫絕情文過絕情人生,隨身帶著X光般的眼睛是天賦也是詛咒(accursed share),君不見X-men裡的獨眼龍得戴上個類似空調出風口的罩具,又像一半撞進頭部的飛碟。每個人都想成為張愛玲,問題是妳有沒有膽承擔絕情人生?


五, 「玫瑰即使換了名字,氣味依然芬芳」!我說,維大力即使換了廣告,你還是得「林跨賣」才知味道。你有你的樣子,我知道,在我心裡無關褒貶。「蔚藍」,成為影響龍應台寫作的胎記─「不懂的字,不用」,她自己說的。我無意爭論,「那你用的字都是你百分之百懂的囉?科科…」,這是個假問題。同樣的邏輯是,你不需要穿棉襖戴瓜皮帽才能表示自己是個中國佬,除非今天開「壽衣趴」。你有你的樣子,我知道。

六, 人都有垂頭喪氣的時候!理論上帝王將相皆是人,他們也會垂頭喪氣,只是你沒看到。例如,鼎鼎大名的盧梭,要不是他老兄寫下《懺悔錄》,誰曉得他是個愛拿她人物品打手槍的自閉宅男。有那個閒工夫垂頭喪氣,何不想想垂頭喪氣所為何來?那真的是你能嘗試的所有嗎?「一個人沒有理想,跟一條鹹魚有什麼分別?」,史帝芬‧周說。我說,鹹魚也有鹹魚的理想,我們不能剝奪牠的權利。可是,既要選擇當鹹魚,就請安於鹹魚的理想。願賭不服輸,就得設想下一盤(可是帳還是該清),除非你有更好的辦法。回憶過去的事情,交給郭子乾就好,他會告訴你「OO7省多了」!

七, 同場加映注音文版,有需要的人可逕向該網站洽詢:http://www.cooltey.org/cptrs/index.php。人都有垂頭喪氣ㄉ時候!理論上帝王將相皆是人,ㄊ們也會垂頭喪氣,只是ㄋ沒看到。例如,鼎鼎大名ㄉ盧梭,要ㄅ是ㄊ老兄寫下《懺悔錄》,誰曉得ㄊ是ㄍ愛拿她人物品打手槍ㄉ自閉宅男。有那ㄍ閒工夫垂頭喪氣,何ㄅ想想垂頭喪氣所為何來?那真ㄉ是ㄋ能嘗試ㄉ所有ㄇ?「一ㄍ人沒有理想,跟一條鹹魚有什ㄇ分別?」,史帝芬‧周說。我說,鹹魚也有鹹魚ㄉ理想,我們ㄅ能剝奪牠ㄉ權利。可是,既要選擇當鹹魚,就請安於鹹魚ㄉ理想。願賭ㄅ服輸,就得設想下一盤(可是帳還是該清),除非ㄋ有更好ㄉ辦法。回憶過ㄑㄉ事情,交給郭子乾就好,ㄊ會告訴ㄋ「OO7省多ㄌ」!

八, 不要放棄!既是一種自我喊話,也是一種自我鼓勵。

星期一, 9月 24, 2007

Only tongue can tell


Once upon a sign I read a warning and it said

'When in Rome don't feed the lions'

What is meant I can't hazard a guess

But now I've learnt my lesson I'm a better person

I'm filled up with high hopes and I'm fed up with soft soaps

Long in the tooth and short on wisdom

Up to here with the ache of it

And if the matchmaker calls hand in hand

With a catch of the day I'll rise to the bait

But it'll still be more than a heart can take

More than feeling great

More than a tongue can tell

I'd need to take leave of my senses to get a moment's rest

Following in footsteps

Footsure in fancy dress

Head in my hands I'm making plans

Hoovering up for the day

When the matchmaker calls hand in hand

With the catch of the day I'll raise to the bait

But it'll still be more then a heart can take

More than feeling great

More than a tongue can tell

And the itch to get rich quick

Has never been so hard to reach

With my hands tied behind my back

Shin deep in cement and sand

Just like the anchor-man I broke loose

And crashed to the sea bed

Clutching the shortest straw

And if you threw me a line that's as smart as you think

It wouldn't stop me sinking down to cry

On what flashed before my eyes

星期日, 9月 23, 2007

How can i apply...?


there's a boy up here
who wants you to love him
but he can't ignore his fears
there's a girl down there
who wants you to love her
like you did this time last year

and I could fill that hole for you
how can I apply to you?
i could fill that hole for you some way

morning light i feel
come and make a meal of me
i'm hot this morning
and i must say miss, this dish is delicious
you can have some more for dinner

and i will fill that hole for you
how can I apply for you?
i could fill that hole for you someday

there's a dream somewhere
that's never been spoken
here's your busfare somewhere else
where you can spend your days
all shattered and broken
til you're gone goodbye forever

but i could fill that hole for you
how can I apply for you?
i could fill that hole for you some way
i could fill that hole for you
how can I apply to you?
i'll be whole for you someday, some way

星期日, 9月 16, 2007



1995 is missing buses
It's walking 15 miles to see your love
It's knowing you're alive through all the fuzz
It's never coming down from going up

1995 is cutting classes
It's sitting over coffees talking indie treats
It's the mere sensation of being the first one that you see
When morning opens up the skies
You see me when daylight opens up your eyes

And though I'm happier now I always long somehow
Back to 1995

All my friends have different plans to make their lives worth
Some for the better
Some for worse
Some have gone to different cities searching every mile
For missing pieces that will make a whole

1995 seems like a long way to go
If you ever were to find your way back home
But the only thing I really miss is being the first one that
you see
When morning opens up the skies
You see me when daylight opens up your eyes

星期五, 9月 14, 2007


You Can't Hurry Love

boy did you hear me say,
did you hear me say now.
love aint far, well I done mine, done mine, done mine
ooohhh you can't hurry love

The Concretes: Warm Night

follow you down on this warm night
down to a certain color
altough I'll make sure we fall on safe ground
I wouldnt lay your faith in my hands
snare me well with all your charms
bring out some amber to warm me
only kiss me if the light is right
otherwise we'll wait a while


星期三, 9月 12, 2007

Strange Things Will Happen


The Radio Dept

Today was a pretty day
No disappointments
No expectations on your whereabouts
And oh, did I let you go?
Did it finally show that strange things will happen if you let

Today I didn't even try to hide
I'll stay here and never push things to the side
You can't reach me cause I'm way beyond you today

Today was a pretty day
Autumn comes with
These slight surprises where your life might twist and turn
Hope to unlearn
Strange things will happen
If you let them come around and stick around

Today I didn't even try to hide
I'll stay here and never push things to the side
Today I didn't even look to find
Something to put me in that peace of mind
You can't touch me cause I'm way beyond you today

星期二, 9月 11, 2007

It's for you BB, Orange Fell!

Drifting, drifting, stickleback waters. Drifting, drifting
(Shouldn't let go) I know but I swear
I heard the Jordanaires
All our love was made on sheets we'd left unmade
As street lamp-post light haze orange fell
When moments just take you, an instinct betrays you
I think I fell in love

Kindle, kindle. Beachcombers found no kindle, kindle
Pull against the tide and you pull against the gradient
Woven with era, we belong to the ages
All our plans were made on streets the winter paved
As streetlamp lucozade orange fell
When someone mistakes you, I fell for all the same old things
I think I fell in love

Here pin and needle rain fell and cut to the quick
I think I had enough
Shivering, shivering look what I've done to us
Kindle, rekindle
Drifting, drifting, beachcombers found us drifting


星期五, 9月 07, 2007

星期二, 9月 04, 2007




星期六, 9月 01, 2007

Stained-Glass Windows In The Sky


I don't know why stars in the sky
I don't know why they shine
I'm on rooftops I'm watching raindrops
I'm on rooftops in the sky
You can't see me I hide so easy
I hide away from the world
crosses for kings
jet plane on a highway
stained-glass windows in the sky

Primitive Painters


I just wish my life could be as strange as a conspiracy
I hold out but there's no way of being what I want to be
Dragons blow fire angels fly spirits wither in the air
I'm just me I can't deny I'm neither here, there nor anywhere

Oh you should see my trail of disgrace,
it's enough to scare the whole human race
Oh you should see my trail of disgrace,
it's enough to scare the whole human race

I don't care about this life, they say there'll be another one
defeatist attitude I know will you be sorry when I've gone
Primitive painters are ships floating on an empty sea
gathering in galleries were stallions of imagery

Oh you should see my trail of disgrace,
it's enough to scare the whole human race
Oh you should see my trail of disgrace,
it's enough to scare the whole human race