( 前略……金兀术追击康王到了夹江边)
且说那康王的马跳入江中,原是浮在水面上的,兀术为何看他不见?因有神圣护住,遮了兀术的眼,故此不能看见。康王骑在马上,好比雾里一般,那里敢开眼睛, 耳朵内但听得呼呼水响。不一个时辰,那马早已过了夹江,跳上岸来。又行了一程,到一茂林之处,那马将康王耸下地来,望林中跑进去了。康王道:“马啊!你有 心,再驮我几步便好,怎么抛我在这里就去了?”
康王一面想,一面抬起头来,见日色坠下,天色已晚,只得慢慢的步入林中。原来有一座古庙在此。抬头一看,那庙门上有个旧匾额,虽然剥落,上面的字仍看得 出,却是五个金字,写着“崔府君神庙”。康王走入庙门,却发现一马槽,槽内卧着一匹泥马,颜色却与骑来的一样。又见那马湿淋淋的,浑身是水,暗自想道:“ 难道渡我过江的,就是此马不成?”想了又想,忽然失声道:“那马乃是泥的,若沾了水,怎么不坏?”言未毕,只听得一声响,那马即化了。康王走上殿,向神举 手言道:“我赵构深荷神力保佑!若果然复得宋室江山,那时与你重修庙宇、再塑金身也。”说了,就走下来,将庙门关上,旁边寻块石头顶住了。然后走进来,向 神厨里睡了。此回叫做“泥马渡康王的故事”。正是:天枢拱北辰,地轴趋南曜。神灵随默佑,泥马渡江潮。

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Among the announcements expected soon is Obama's selection for press secretary. Observers believe it will be Robert Gibbs, the communications director for Obama's presidential campaign.
Obama will hold a news conference Friday -- his first since winning election -- and may announce key administrative appointments during it, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity when discussing Obama's plans.
Obama also is expected to take questions from reporters, the official said. iReport.com: Who should be in Obama's cabinet?
Gibbs said that to say he has been offered the job is a report "ahead of itself."
Obama was considering who will be on his team long before Tuesday's election. Possible appointees for Obama's administration »
Obama could pick Republicans such as GOP Sens. Chuck Hagel or Dick Lugar to come on board, analysts speculate.
Defense Secretary Robert Gates' name also has been floated in media reports.
Gates has served in Bush's Cabinet for almost two years. He worked for the Central Intelligence Agency for 27 years, serving as its director from 1991 through 1993. He also served as deputy national security adviser under President George H. W. Bush.
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"What Barack Obama has to do in the transition time is set the tone," said Gloria Borger, a senior political analyst for CNN. "If he reaches out to Republicans in the Cabinet -- if he decided to keep Bob Gates at Defense -- that's really, really important."
Hagel, R-Nebraska, is a Vietnam War veteran and fierce critic of the Bush administration's handling of the Iraq war. Hagel did not run for re-election for his Senate seat this year.
Lugar, R-Indiana, is minority leader of the Foreign Relations Committee and worked with Obama last year to expand a program aimed at destroying weapons of mass destruction in the former Soviet Union.
Obama on Wednesday met with key advisers and began making decisions about his transition team.
Joe Biden, the vice president-elect, said a "sense of excitement" surrounds the transition.
"Yesterday we really did, five of us in a room, seven of us in a room, really actually [begin] to put together a government," Biden said Thursday.
"We've thought a lot about it, but it was the first time ... we actually started talking about names and places and organizations."
John Podesta, a former chief of staff under Clinton, is among those leading Obama's transition team. Valerie Jarrett, one of Obama's top advisers, and Peter Rouse, Obama's Senate chief of staff, are also involved in the effort.
Obama will begin publicizing "the steps that he'll be taking to get prepared to lead on January 20," Jarrett said shortly after Obama gave his victory speech.
Filling out his economic team is a priority for Obama as he begins to implement a strategy to quell the economic crisis. See the candidates
"This is one of the first times that I can remember that the secretary of the treasury is going to be almost as important as the secretary of state," said CNN senior political analyst David Gergen, who served in the Reagan and Clinton administrations.
Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said Thursday that he looks forward to a smooth transition.
"I congratulate Senator Obama on the election and look forward to working with his team to ensure that there is a smooth and effective transition.
"A methodical and orderly transition is in the best interests of the financial markets and Treasury is committed to making sure that the incoming team can hit the ground running in January," he said in a statement.
Names circulating for the secretary of the treasury position include Timothy Geithner, Lawrence Summers and Paul Volcker.
Geithner helped deal with Wall Street's financial meltdown earlier this year, overseeing the acquisition of Bear Stearns by JPMorgan Chase and the bailouts of AIG and Lehman Brothers. He was appointed president of the New York Federal Reserve in November 2003.
Summers was appointed treasury secretary in July 1999 and served as the chief economist of the World Bank from 1991 through 1993. Before his career in government, he taught economics at Harvard.
Volcker is a former chairman of the Federal Reserve, serving under Presidents Carter and Reagan. He also worked in the private sector as an investment banker and headed the investigation into the United Nations' oil-for-food program for Iraq.
The White House is holding an economic summit November 15. Obama could delay naming his economic team to avoid interfering with the G-20 summit.
Obama said Thursday that Emanuel accepted his offer to be White House chief of staff. The Office of the Chief of Staff oversees and coordinates activities and communication among various departments of the administration.
"I announce this appointment first because the chief of staff is central to the ability of a president and administration to accomplish an agenda. And no one I know is better at getting things done than Rahm Emanuel," Obama said in a written statement.
Emanuel, of Illinois, helped lead Democrats to majority control of the House in 2006. He was elected to the House in 2002 and is the fourth-highest-ranking member of the chamber's Democratic leadership.
He also worked on President Clinton's first presidential campaign and served as a White House adviser to Clinton.
Emanuel choked up as he said how glad he is his parents are alive to see him have the choice of becoming chief of staff for a "historic figure."
He said he wants to do "everything I can to help deliver the change America needs."
Also Thursday, Obama returned the calls of nine leaders of other countries, thanking them for having expressed congratulations on his election. The leaders were: the presidents of France, Mexico and South Korea; the prime ministers of Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan and the United Kingdom; and the chancellor of Germany.
On Monday, Obama and President Bush are set to meet in the White House.
"Michelle and I look forward to meeting with President Bush and the first lady on Monday to begin the process of a smooth, effective transition," Obama said in a statement. "I thank him for reaching out in the spirit of bipartisanship that will be required to meet the many challenges we face as a nation."
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CNN's John Helton, Kristi Keck and Alexander Mooney contributed to this report.
Regional leaders and U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon are were meeting with seven African leaders in Nairobi, Kenya, in the latest diplomatic effort to tackle what aid agencies say is developing into a major humanitarian crisis.
The talks involving Congo President Joseph Kabila, Rwanda's Paul Kagame and Tanzania's Jakaya Kikwete came as renewed fighting threatened to unravel a cease-fire struck between the Congolese government and rebels forces.
The conflict in country's east is driven by unresolved ethnic hatred stemming from the killings of a half-million Tsutis by Hutu militia in Rwanda and Congo's civil wars in 1994.
The United Nations released a statement Thursday saying the secretary-general "is deeply concerned about the ongoing violence in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo."
The secretary-general "calls for an immediate cessation of hostilities and the withdrawal of forces to positions held prior to the resumption of fighting on 28 August," the statement said, referring to when the latest wave of fighting broke out.
Ban "urges the armed groups involved in the ongoing fighting to support the current efforts to find a political solution to the crisis in the eastern DRC and to avoid activities that result in the further displacement and suffering of the civilian population."
On Thursday, Madnoje Mounoubai, a spokesman for the U.N. in the Democratic Republic of Congo, said Tsuti General Laurent Nkunda's rebels had battled government forces in eastern Nyzanale, North Kiva province on Thursday.
On Wednesday, Nkunda's forces -- the National Congress for the Defense of the People -- fought pro-government Mai Mai militias, in Kiwanja, also in eastern Congo, said Kevin Kennedy, a spokesman for the U.N. mission.
"We encourage all the groups to restore the cease-fire," he said.
Nkunda said his forces had not broken the cease-fire.
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"We declared for a cease-fire, it was a unilateral cease-fire. And we ask the government to stop the attacks, even their allies," he told CNN Thursday.
"So they attacked us," he said.
"What we are asking for is only a cease-fire, then we go for peace talks and we ask the government to accept us through talks and to have a neutral mediator. That's what we are asking. It's not so many things."
The rebel leader said the Mai Mai had been dressed in civilian clothing during Wednesday's fighting, and he vehemently denied allegations that his forces had killed civilians.
"It's not true," Nkunda said. "These Mai Mai, these militia were in civil dress. ... We asked the civilian population to get behind the front lines. So, the population were behind the front line," he said.
"We cannot kill a civil population," he said.
On Tuesday, the rebels battled Mai Mai fighters near Rutshuru, near Kiwanja.
Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders) said surgical teams had treated 50 people from Wednesday and Thursday's fighting.
"Thousands of people who have fled the fighting in Kiwanja have sought shelter on the road between the two towns, in churches, and even inside Rutshuru hospital," MSF said. It did not say if the people treated were civilians.
Anne Taylor, the head of the MSF mission in Goma, issued a statement saying, "MSF provides health care to all patients without discrimination."
Around 250,000 people were displaced as a result of fighting in recent months, the United Nations estimates.
Tensions in the Congo have festered since its civil wars in the mid-to-late 1990s and since the 1994 Rwandan genocide.
Nkunda has repeatedly blamed the Congolese government for failing to protect the Tutsi tribe from Rwandan Hutu militia in Congo. Critics have alleged Nkunda to be a puppet of Rwanda.
The ongoing conflict and humanitarian crisis kills 45,000 people in Congo every month, according to a January 2008 report from the International Rescue Committee.
Hutu rebels have been active in the jungles of eastern Congo since Rwanda's 1994 genocide, according to the United Nations. During the 100 days of that genocide the Hutu majority killed 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus, the United Nations estimates.
• In another development, a correspondent for the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung has been freed -- three days after militiamen kidnapped him in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the paper said Friday.
Belgian reporter Thomas Scheen, the newspaper's longtime Africa correspondent, was captured by Mai Mai militiamen Tuesday after getting stuck between the lines of fighting in the conflict area, the paper said.
The paper said Scheen and his two Congolese staff are now with U.N. peacekeepers and are doing well.
"We would like to thank everyone in Germany, Belgium and Congo who worked so hard in the past days to free Thomas Scheen, especially the German Foreign Ministry, the Belgian authorities and MONUC," said the newspaper's publisher, Berthold Kohler.
In a speech to open the climate change conference in Beijing, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao repeated China's long-standing belief that rich countries should take the lead in addressing climate change.
"It took developed countries several decades to solve the problems of saving energy and cutting emissions, while China has to solve the same problem in a relatively much shorter period. So the difficulty is unprecedented," Wen said.
In a climate change policy paper last month, China said developed countries should contribute at least 0.7 percent of their GDP to help fund poorer countries' fight global warming.
At the start of the meeting attended by representatives from more than 100 countries, Zhang Ping, director of the National Development and Reform Commission, China's powerful economic planning body, urged developed countries to set up a fund to support the transfer of environmentally friendly technology to emerging economies, official Xinhua News Agency said. No other details were available.
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Gao Guangsheng, who heads the commission's climate change office, said last month that China would bring its demands for technology transfer by rich countries to the Beijing meeting.
According to some experts, China has surpassed the United States to become the world's biggest emitter of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas whose emissions contribute to global warming. Most of China's greenhouse gases come from coal combustion, but the country is reluctant to commit to a cut in emissions because its booming economy is dependent on coal for its energy needs.
The two-day Beijing meeting comes ahead of a a U.N. Climate Change Conference scheduled for early December in Poland that will lay the groundwork for negotiations of a climate change accord to succeed the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, which expires in 2012.
The United States rejected the Kyoto accord, arguing it would harm American business and made no comparable demands on emerging economies. China, India and other large developing countries signed the accord but refused to accept a binding agreement that they said would limit their development and their ability to ease poverty at home.
President-elect Barack Obama has said he wants to make the U.S. a leader on climate change and re-engage with the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, the parent treaty of the Kyoto protocol. He said he plans to introduce emissions caps to the U.S., and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80 percent by 2050.
Dear Keroro:
This is 4 God,u,and Obama:
(AP) A man who authorities said was keeping weapons and military-style gear in his hotel room and car appeared in court Thursday on charges he threatened to assassinate Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama.
Raymond Hunter Geisel, 22, was arrested by the Secret Service on Saturday in Miami and was ordered held at Miami's downtown detention center without bail Thursday by a federal magistrate.
A Secret Service affidavit charges that Geisel made the threat during a training class for bail bondsmen in Miami in late July. According to someone else in the 48-member class, Geisel allegedly referred to Obama with a racial epithet and continued, "If he gets elected, I'll assassinate him myself."
Obama was most recently in Florida on Aug. 1-2 but did not visit the South Florida area.
Another person in the class quoted Geisel as saying that "he hated George W. Bush and that he wanted to put a bullet in the president's head," according to the Secret Service.
Geisel denied in a written statement to a Secret Service agent that he ever made those threats, and the documents don't indicate that he ever took steps to carry out any assassination. He was charged only with threatening Obama, the presumptive Democratic nominee, but not for any threat against President Bush.
Geisel's court-appointed attorney declined comment. The charge of threatening a major candidate for president or vice president carries a maximum prison sentence of five years.
The Obama campaign declined comment Thursday on the alleged threat.
In the interview with a Secret Service agent, Geisel said "if he wanted to kill Senator Obama he simply would shoot him with a sniper rifle, but then he claimed that he was just joking," according to court documents.
A search of Geisel's 1998 Ford Explorer and hotel room in Miami uncovered a loaded 9mm handgun, knives, dozens of rounds of ammunition including armor-piercing types, body armor, military-style fatigues and a machete. The SUV, which has Maine license plates, was wired with flashing red and yellow emergency lights.
Geisel told the Secret Service he was originally from Bangor, Maine, and had been living recently in a houseboat in the Florida Keys town of Marathon, according to court documents. He said he used the handgun for training for the bail bondsman class, had the knives for protection and used the machete to cut brush in Maine.
Authorities in Maine said Geisel pleaded guilty to a charge of criminal threatening after a 2007 incident and spent 48 hours in a Bangor jail.
Police in Hampden, a town just outside of Bangor, received a complaint from Geisel's brother on Oct. 18, 2007 that Geisel had threatened him with a knife, Hampden police Sgt. Dan Stewart said. Geisel was charged with criminal threatening and terrorizing; the second charge was later dropped.
The Secret Service affidavit said Geisel told agents that he suffered from psychiatric problems including post-traumatic stress disorder, but he couldn't provide the names of any facilities where he sought treatment.
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